I've been talking with retromaster about the feasibility of adding internet functionality to the oric. The original idea was to create an external ethernet device that would perform all the complex IP communications with some form of converter to connect to Oric (Oric would then use some yet-be-defined communications protocol - OCP - to communicate with this device - probably over RS232)
Anyway, something similar is readily available, RM pointed me to this site:
http://www.industrialethernet.com/net23 ... 3wodUV8q_g
Of special interest is the "SERIAL TUNNELING CONFIGURATION" which allows the equivalent of an infinite length RS232 cable WITHOUT having to install any special software on the connected devices. All we would need is some form of dongle that would allow the RS232 part of this device to connect to the oric over it's Expansion or Printer port (ideally printer port if this can be made to work - leaving expansion port free for the cumulus.)
In the first instance this would open the door to direct Oric-to-Oric communications over the internet. On a wider note, an Oric Gaming Server (OGS) could be established that would act as a virtual switchboard so that multiple orics could communicate simultaneously.
If this is even remotely feasible (and granted, it's a big "if") the idea I have for the "UFO" game could be achieved.
UFO was another ITC production that predated Space:1999 by a few years (circa 1970/71). This wouldn't be just one big program - it would be a number of big programs. One would let you fly the Interceptors from moonbase, one lets you be the aliens, one allows you to drive the SkyDiver and so on - all the games would communicate with the OGS in the same standardized manner allowing different people to perform different roles in the SAME virtual world. Take a look here and let your imagination do the rest:http://ufoseries.com/
So, HARDWARE/COMMS guys - can it be done?
Programmers: Can we fit in RS232 comms?
Should I just get out more?