New Oric Found!
New Oric Found!
The Phoenix computer was the Z80 board that Peter Halford had been in the last stages of perfecting in 1985.
This board has no foreseeable interface to the Oric, and to all intent and purpose it appears to be a separate computer!
Here is some tech about the board...
1) On board advanced FDC.
2) 256K RAM expandable to 512K
3) 6Mhz 64180 8 Bit CPU (Enhanced Z80 with Memory management)
4) EF9345 Semigraphics chip (Capable of 160x200x8)
5) 8 Colours
6) Onboard Clock
7) Parallel, serial and RGB outputs
Single board computer
5 Boards have been found.
One is with Fabrice Frances, two are with Andre Cheramy and CEO, and i hold the remaining two.
Well next bombshell is Fabrice managed to rewrite the ROM image i sent him to EPROM, inserted into Phoenix and booted up and got this..
I have asked PeterJ about the NOVA800 appearing in one of the screens but he is yet to reply.
So apparently the ROM does a memory check then waits for a system Disk. Now i happen to recall PeterH mentioning finding some disks in that box..
I have asked PeterJ about the NOVA800 appearing in one of the screens but he is yet to reply.
So apparently the ROM does a memory check then waits for a system Disk. Now i happen to recall PeterH mentioning finding some disks in that box..