jsk wrote: ↑Thu Feb 06, 2025 10:50 am
Let me know how to play with the localhost variant when it's ready!
I now have the github release zip packaging working. The following release page will always have the latest version:
Unfortunately, the steps are not quite as easy as I mentioned in my last post, as turning on automatic recognition of the embedded .swshtaccess config files is required as a manual step, but its still fairly straightforward with Simple Web Server. Here are the steps:
1. Download the release ZIP of joric, e.g.:
https://github.com/lanceewing/joric/rel ... 1.0.14.zip
2. Extract the joric ZIP into a folder.
3. Download Simple Web Server for your platform from here:
4. Start up Simple Web Server
5. Click "New Server" button in bottom right corner
6. For the folder path, choose the folder that contains the index.html file from the extracted joric ZIP
7. Choose your port number. It works with port 80, so that is what I use, but could be anything, e.g. 8080, 8081, etc.
8. Expand the "Advanced Rules" section and tick the "Enable .swshtaccess configuration files" checkbox.
9. Click the "Create Server" button in the bottom right. This will start up the web server..
10. Now go to the web browser and access localhost on the port you chose. It should load the JOric home screen. Scroll to the right to choose a game.
It is the .swshtaccess files within the joric ZIP that automatically take case of the rest of the Simple Web Server configuration. These are the relative paths if you're interested in seeing what they do:
They mostly do the same thing, which is to add the "Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy" and "Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy" HTTP response headers that are required to active some of the Javascript APIs. The top level .swshtaccess file also sets up the localhost equivalent of the CORS proxy.
Let me know how you get on with that. I'm not sure I can make the steps much easier, due the requirement to set those HTTP response headers.