Anything related to the tools Tap2Wav, Tap2CD, Tap2Dsk, Sedoric Disc Manager, Tape Header Creator, WriteDsk, and generaly speaking tools related to the management of Oric data files and devices.
iss wrote: ↑Tue Jan 15, 2019 10:52 am
Ok, back to it. Currently working at a version that saves 4 bytes in the stack (it's the 10th release candidate...).
The optimization quest is a never ending one.
iss wrote: ↑Tue Jan 15, 2019 10:52 am
After this, unless another new idea springs to mind, I'll release it and leave it to others to find if anything can be optimized
I cannot wait and am already getting in pouncing position. :p
iss wrote: ↑Tue Jan 15, 2019 10:52 am
(Last time I promised a release, I got my computer stolen, got a bit sick afterwards, went to holidays, had to deal with damages at my home while on holidays, and later spent much more time than expected working at a Christmas gift... Hoping I can stay focused this time )
Argh. The real life quest is also a tough one. Be brave adventurer!
Ok, yesterday my home was without power, so work is a bit slow.
So, another teaser
Byte_size_detail.png (8.07 KiB) Viewed 12043 times
(This scheme doesn't take a few details into consideration, that may affect the values a little, such as: standard speed bytes always mix 0 and 1due to parity or start/stop bits, and so on.)