Generating a screen of random colors as quickly as possible ..

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Generating a screen of random colors as quickly as possible ..

Post by ibisum »

In my SOUNDTOY project, which is a scratch/playground for a synthesizer project I (eventually) hope to create for the Oric, I've been playing around with different techniques for generating a screen full of Oric color, and having a few mixed results - so I thought I'd ask for some guru advice from the gang.

Repo here:

In toy.c is the function:

Code: Select all

void gen_rnd_colors(){

	int j;
	int k;

	volatile char r;
	char s;

	// s = peek(0x276); //LFSR
	// seed_lfsr(s);

	j = (unsigned int)HIRES_START;
	k = (unsigned int)HIRES_START + 160;

	do {

		// // Somewhat slow C-based implementation with assembly RNG - works
		do {
			r  = qrandomJ(peek(0x276)) % 255;
		} while (((r & 0x78) == 0x08 || (r & 0x78) == 0x18) || ((r & 0x78) == 0x88 || (r & 0x78) == 0x98));

		// Linear-feedback shift register method
		// r = lfsr_random();

		// table-based with 
		// r = fastbloop();

		// Chema's randgen:
		// r == randgen();

		poke(j, r);
		// printf("j: %x r: %x\n", j, r);

	} while (++j < k);


This is a C implementation of the concept - basically, get a random value, check if its one of the attribute values that would 'corrupt' the HIRES screen, if not - poke it to the HIRES screen address, if so, regenerate until a 'valid' value is produced, continue until the first 4 HIRES lines are filled with colors.

(To test this on an Oric/Emulator, load SOUNDTOY.TAP and press the 'G' key)

As you can see, I've got a few other functions commented out - these are my newbie attempts at putting the whole 'generate a valid value' code into assembly, to see which method produces the 'fastest' (or lets say 'quickest') colorful screen.

There is an LFSR-based method, and a lookup-table based implementation - basically I'm just hacking around, none of these methods actually work. I also found Chema's random number generator, and plugged it in, but this doesn't seem to work either.

Can anyone give me a quick shoulder-surf review and tell me what I'm doing wrong, vis a vis the assembly methods? The relevant files are 'fastbloop.s' for the lookup table method, and 'qrandom.s' for the LFSR- and Chema- methods. I feel I'm overlooking something terribly obvious here, but I've been looking at this code for too long this afternoon and am a bit bug-blind.

Here are the two files mentioned, for anyone who doesn't want to dig into the repo:

Code: Select all

; qrandom.s - experiment with different ways to generate 'valid' colour values randomly using a lookup table

; -----------------------------------------------------
; Random number table (pre-filtered values)
; Excludes values where (r & 0x78) == 0x08, 0x18, 0x88, 0x98

    .byte $00, $01, $02, $03, $04, $05, $06, $07
    .byte $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17
    .byte $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26, $27
    .byte $30, $31, $32, $33, $34, $35, $36, $37
    .byte $40, $41, $42, $43, $44, $45, $46, $47
    .byte $50, $51, $52, $53, $54, $55, $56, $57
    .byte $60, $61, $62, $63, $64, $65, $66, $67
    .byte $70, $71, $72, $73, $74, $75, $76, $77
    .byte $80, $81, $82, $83, $84, $85, $86, $87
    .byte $A0, $A1, $A2, $A3, $A4, $A5, $A6, $A7
    .byte $B0, $B1, $B2, $B3, $B4, $B5, $B6, $B7
    .byte $C0, $C1, $C2, $C3, $C4, $C5, $C6, $C7
    .byte $D0, $D1, $D2, $D3, $D4, $D5, $D6, $D7
    .byte $E0, $E1, $E2, $E3, $E4, $E5, $E6, $E7
    .byte $F0, $F1, $F2, $F3, $F4, $F5, $F6, $F7

    ; Seed for random number generation
seed: .byte $42

    lda $276           ; Load seed for random function
    sta seed

    lda #$02           ; Initialize high byte for storing in page $0200
    sta addr_high      ; Store in high byte variable
    lda #$00           ; Initialize low byte
    sta addr_low

    lda #$00           ; Initialize iteration counter
    sta iteration_count

    ldx #$00           ; X-register for indexing the table
    lda seed
    jsr _randgen        ; _qrandomJ      ; Call random generator
    tax                ; Store random result in X for indexing

    lda random_table, x ; Get a random value from the table

    ; Calculate the address to store the value
    lda addr_high       ; Load the high byte of the address
    sta temp_high       ; Store in temporary variable
    lda addr_low        ; Load the low byte of the address
    sta temp_low        ; Store in temporary variable

    ; Store the value at the address (absolute indexed)
    sta temp_store      ; Save the random value temporarily
    ldy #$00            ; Clear Y for addressing calculation

    ; Form full address manually
    lda temp_low        ; Load low byte of address
    sta $00             ; Save it to memory
    lda temp_high       ; Load high byte of address
    sta $01             ; Save it to memory

    ; Store value using absolute indexed addressing
    lda temp_store
    sta ($00), y        ; Store value at the address

    ; Increment the low byte of the address
    inc addr_low        
    lda addr_low        ; Check if low byte has overflowed
    bne continue_loop   ; If not overflowed, continue

    inc addr_high       ; Increment high byte if low byte overflowed

    ; Increment the iteration counter
    inc iteration_count
    lda iteration_count
    cmp #$10            ; Set the loop to run for 16 iterations (or another value)
    beq done            ; If iterations reached the limit, exit the loop

    jmp start_loop      ; Otherwise, loop back

    lda random_table, x  ; Return the last random value in A register
    rts                 ; Return to C with value in A

; Temporary variables for address calculations
temp_high:     .byte $00
temp_low:      .byte $00
temp_store:    .byte $00
addr_low:      .byte $00  ; High and low byte variables
addr_high:     .byte $00
iteration_count: .byte $00 ; Loop counter

Code: Select all

; qrandom.s - experiment with different ways to generate 'valid' colour values randomly

		ldy #8
		lda $0
		rol $FF
		bcc _qrnoEor
		eor #$39
		bne _qrback
		sta $0
		cmp #0

   .byt 20,42        ; 16-bit LFSR storage (2 bytes)

; Seed the LFSR with an initial value
; Input: A = low byte, X = high byte (seed values)
    sta _lfsr          ; Store A in the low byte of LFSR
    stx _lfsr+1        ; Store X in the high byte of LFSR
    rts               ; Return

; LFSR random number generator
; Output: A = random number between 0–255, excluding 8-18 and 88-98
    ; Load the current LFSR value
    lda _lfsr
    ldx _lfsr+1

    ; Perform the LFSR shift and feedback (16-bit LFSR with polynomial)
    lda _lfsr+1        ; Load high byte
    lsr               ; Shift right (low bit goes into carry)
    ror _lfsr          ; Rotate carry into low byte
    lda _lfsr+1        ; Reload high byte
    ror               ; Rotate carry into high byte
    lda _lfsr          ; Load low byte (A)
    eor #$B4          ; XOR feedback with a chosen polynomial value
    sta _lfsr          ; Store back into LFSR low byte

    ; Get the new random number (low byte of LFSR)
    lda _lfsr

    ; Check for exclusion range 8-18 (0x08–0x12)
    cmp #8
    bcc return_random   ; If number is below 8, it's valid
    cmp #19
    bcs check_next      ; If number is above 18, go to next check

    ; If we are here, the number is in the excluded range 8-18, generate again
    jmp _lfsr_random

    ; Check for exclusion range 88-98 (0x58–0x62)
    cmp #88
    bcc return_random   ; If number is below 88, it's valid
    cmp #99
    bcs return_random   ; If number is above 98, it's valid

    ; If we are here, the number is in the excluded range 88-98, generate again
    jmp _lfsr_random

    rts               ; Return with the valid random number in A

; Example usage:
; 1. Call 'seed_lfsr' to initialize the LFSR.
; 2. Call '_lfsr_random' to obtain random numbers, excluding 8-18 and 88-98.

// Chema's RNG from
; A real random generator... 
randseed .word $dead 	; will it be $dead again? 
   lda randseed     	; get old lsb of seed. 
   ora $308		; lsb of VIA T2L-L/T2C-L. 
   rol			; this is even, but the carry fixes this. 
   adc $304		; lsb of VIA TK-L/T1C-L.  This is taken mod 256. 
   sta randseed     	; random enough yet. 
   sbc randseed+1   	; minus the hsb of seed... 
   rol			; same comment than before.  Carry is fairly random. 
   sta randseed+1   	; we are set. 

    cmp #8
    bcc return_randgen   ; If number is below 8, it's valid
    cmp #19
    bcs check_nxt      ; If number is above 18, go to next check

    ; If we are here, the number is in the excluded range 8-18, generate again
    jmp _randgen

    ; Check for exclusion range 88-98 (0x58–0x62)
    cmp #88
    bcc return_randgen   ; If number is below 88, it's valid
    cmp #99
    bcs return_randgen   ; If number is above 98, it's valid

    ; If we are here, the number generated is in the excluded range, so regenerate 
    jmp _randgen

   rts			; see you later alligator. 
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Re: Generating a screen of random colors as quickly as possible ..

Post by Dbug »

Why not simply do something like

Code: Select all

paper_color = 16+(random_value & 7);
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Re: Generating a screen of random colors as quickly as possible ..

Post by ibisum »

I want to fill the screen with as much color as possible.

Like this, but in Assembly (this is the C version):
Thats it in a nutshell, but I want to do it in Assembly, as quickly as possible ..

Anyway, working on another implementation ..

EDIT: your code suggestion produces this, which is neat but not quite all the color possible...

Code: Select all

paper_color = 16+(random_value & 7);
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Re: Generating a screen of random colors as quickly as possible ..

Post by Chema »

I think that Dbug means that you do not generate numbers until you find one >16, but generate one get the lower bits and add 16. In asm could be jsr randgen; and #%111; ora #%10000
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Re: Generating a screen of random colors as quickly as possible ..

Post by ibisum »

Hmm .. you mean like this?

Code: Select all

; Called from C like this: 		r  = qrandomJ(peek(0x276)) % 255;

		ldy #8
		lda $0
		rol $FF
		bcc _qrnoEor
		eor #$39
		bne _qrback
		sta $0
		and #%111
		ora #%10000
		cmp #0
.. tried it quickly, but it doesn't produce attributes in the same range that this code (admittedly inefficient) does:

Code: Select all

	do {
	 	r  = qrandomJ(peek(0x276)) % 255;
	 } while (((r & 0x78) == 0x08 || (r & 0x78) == 0x18) || ((r & 0x78) == 0x88 || (r & 0x78) == 0x98));

I guess I need to think about this a bit more rigorously, I'm a bit burned out on this already ..
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