LORES: different between ROM 1.0 and ROM1.1?

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LORES: different between ROM 1.0 and ROM1.1?

Post by Symoon »

Maybe this has been spotted and discussed before, but anyway... Did anyone notice that LORES 1 modes, which display the 2nd character set, have a different shape between Oric-1 and Oric Atmos?
Noticed that when testing an unknown little game which runs in LORES.
Lores1_Atmos.png (1.05 KiB) Viewed 15173 times
Lores1_Oric1.png (1.04 KiB) Viewed 15173 times
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Re: LORES: different between ROM 1.0 and ROM1.1?

Post by mikeb »

Yes, this is a long standing feature :)

The character cells are supposed to be an equal 2 x 3 grid for teletext/viewdata blocks

For Oric this means 3 pixels left, 3 pixels right, as there are only 6 bits in a character that become visible pixels (the other 2 bits are for attributes etc.)

xx 000 000
xx 000 111
xx 111 000
xx 111 111

But I think the routines that generate the codes for Oric-1 forgot this, and used the full 8 bits.

0000 0000
0000 1111
1111 0000
1111 1111

Meaning the shapes onscreen are wrong :-

00 0000
00 1111
11 0000
11 1111

So the left hand lo-res cell is too small, the right hand is too big. Off by one pixel.
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Re: LORES: different between ROM 1.0 and ROM1.1?

Post by Symoon »

Ha ha thanks!
What's curious thought, is that the character generation routine seems to be the same for both ROMs ($F7E0 / $F816)? But I've checked quickly, maybe I'm not looking at the right place.
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Re: LORES: different between ROM 1.0 and ROM1.1?

Post by mikeb »

No idea how it was fixed, $F263 is the highest address that "Rambling In The ROM" got to in OUM, so that would be where I would look for details.

There must be a subtle difference between the routines (a stray ROL or something) hidden in there that fixes it.

Edit to add: I just compared Leycester Whewell's commented ATMOS ROM disassembly (from the Advanced User Guide) with Bob Maunders un-commented Oric-1 disassembly.

You're right, the routines are the same and are both correct, the problem is GIGO -- Garbage In, Garbage Out.

Code: $F816 to $F860

$F861 Four Data Bytes used by the routine :-
$00 (00 000 000)
$38 (00 111 000)
$07 (00 000 111)
$3F (00 111 111)

These are correct and make allowances for the two first bits being non-visible pixels, so the cells are 3+3 pixels/bits wide.

Code: $F7E0 to $F82A

$F82A Data :-
$00 (00 00 0000)
$F0 (11 11 0000)
$0F (00 00 1111)
$FF (11 11 1111)

These are wrong, and assume that all bits are treated as visible, simply cleaving the byte into 2 nybbles. I've spaced them to show the 2 bits left, 4 bits right offset.

The fix for Oric, (as a post-ROM generation, user correction), is to just ROR every location down one bit, and clear the top two bits just for neatness (AND with $03F)
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Re: LORES: different between ROM 1.0 and ROM1.1?

Post by Symoon »

mikeb wrote: Fri Jul 19, 2019 5:58 pm The fix for Oric, (as a post-ROM generation, user correction), is to just ROR every location down one bit, and clear the top two bits just for neatness (AND with $03F)
Better late than never, here's LoresFix 1.0, quickly done, that fixes Oric-1's LORES 1 mode.

Code: Select all

  AD 08 B9   LDA $B908      Let's control if we already seem to have the right values
  C9 38      CMP #$38       by testing one
  F0 20      BEQ exit       If so, exit!
  A2 00      LDX #$00       else get ready to change a whole page

  BD 00 B9   LDA $B900,X    Load a byte from page $B9
  F0 06      BEQ nextB9     If $00, nothing to do, skip to next
  6A         ROR            else shift once to the right
  29 3F      AND #$3F       then set the two left bytes to 0 ($3F=00111111)
  9D 00 B9   STA B900,X     and replace the value in RAM
  CA         DEX            Next byte
  D0 F2      BNE loopB9     As long as X is not zeroed again, loop
  A2 00      LDX #$00       else get ready to change a whole page --- Ooooh this is useless, thanks ISS for spotting this!

  BD 00 BA   LDA $BA00,X    Load a byte from page $BA
  F0 06      BEQ nextBA     If $00, nothing to do, skip to next
  6A         ROR            else shift once to the right
  29 3F      AND #$3F       then set the two left bytes to 0 ($3F=00111111)
  9D 00 BA   STA BA00,X     and replace the value in RAM
  CA         DEX            Next byte
  D0 F2      BNE loopBA        As long as X is not zeroed again, loop

  60         RTS
So, Lores Fix simply shifts in RAM the default LORES characters by 1 bit to the right, having them centered again. You can run it as much as you want, the chars won't shift again if they are at the right value ;) Can be relocated anywhere in RAM. Will have to be run again after a warm reset.
Here's the TAP file, set in page 1, with auto-run

File removed, see below for better version
Last edited by Symoon on Tue Sep 03, 2024 4:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: LORES: different between ROM 1.0 and ROM1.1?

Post by iss »


Code: Select all

  CA         DEX            Next byte
  D0 F2      BNE loopB9     As long as X is not zeroed again, loop
  A2 00      LDX #$00       else get ready to change a whole page

you don't need the line:

Code: Select all

  A2 00      LDX #$00       else get ready to change a whole page
because reg. X is already #$00 and so 2 bytes shorter 8) .
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Re: LORES: different between ROM 1.0 and ROM1.1?

Post by Symoon »

iss wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:21 am you don't need the line:

Code: Select all

  A2 00      LDX #$00       else get ready to change a whole page
because reg. X is already #$00 and so 2 bytes shorter 8) .
Ooooh thanks.
Will fix this ;)
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Re: LORES: different between ROM 1.0 and ROM1.1?

Post by Symoon »

iss wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:21 am because reg. X is already #$00 and so 2 bytes shorter 8) .
New version, optimised by ISS, 5% less bytes ;-)
(66 Bytes) Downloaded 203 times

Code: Select all

  AD 08 B9   LDA $B908      Let's control if we already seem to have the right values
  C9 38      CMP #$38       by testing one
  F0 1E      BEQ exit       If so, exit!
  A2 00      LDX #$00       else get ready to change a whole page

  BD 00 B9   LDA $B900,X    Load a byte from page $B9
  F0 06      BEQ nextB9     If $00, nothing to do, skip to next
  6A         ROR            else shift once to the right
  29 3F      AND #$3F       then set the two left bytes to 0 ($3F=00111111)
  9D 00 B9   STA B900,X     and replace the value in RAM
  CA         DEX            Next byte
  D0 F2      BNE loopB9     As long as X is not zeroed again, loop

  BD 00 BA   LDA $BA00,X    X already at 0 here. Load a byte from page $BA
  F0 06      BEQ nextBA     If $00, nothing to do, skip to next
  6A         ROR            else shift once to the right
  29 3F      AND #$3F       then set the two left bytes to 0 ($3F=00111111)
  9D 00 BA   STA BA00,X     and replace the value in RAM
  CA         DEX            Next byte
  D0 F2      BNE loopBA     As long as X is not zeroed again, loop

  60         RTS
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Re: LORES: different between ROM 1.0 and ROM1.1?

Post by Symoon »

iss wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:21 am because reg. X is already #$00 and so 2 bytes shorter 8) .
Maybe I could also have removed the two BEQ nextB9 / BEQ nextBA. Sort of luxury here: not that much time saved, for a "run me once" program... And 4 bytes saved.
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Re: LORES: different between ROM 1.0 and ROM1.1?

Post by Sodiumlightbaby »

I'm not a seasoned 6502 assembly expert, but as far as I know ULA ignores the top two bits of then character data byte. Could not the inner loop be boiled down from

Code: Select all

  BD 00 B9   LDA $B900,X    Load a byte from page $B9
  F0 06      BEQ nextB9     If $00, nothing to do, skip to next
  6A         ROR            else shift once to the right
  29 3F      AND #$3F       then set the two left bytes to 0 ($3F=00111111)
  9D 00 B9   STA B900,X     and replace the value in RAM

Code: Select all

  5E 00 B9    LSR $B900,X
(And then same for BA) Or am I missing something?

Edit: The initial test could perhaps also be slimmed down a little. Assuming $B908 has MSB set originally.

Code: Select all

BIT $B908
BPL exit
Upside we don't clobber the A register anymore

... and do both B9 and BA pages in the same loop :D
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Re: LORES: different between ROM 1.0 and ROM1.1?

Post by Symoon »

Sodiumlightbaby wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 8:29 am

Code: Select all

  5E 00 B9    LSR $B900,X
(And then same for BA) Or am I missing something?
It works indeed if the program is ran once!
I began making a TAP file of it but had (already) forgotten that we have ton consider that the program can:
- be ran on Atmos (then has to find exactly #$38 on $B908 to avoid shifting correct values)
- be ran more than once on Oric-1 (if set at the beginning of a program for instance), so looking for #$38 in $B908 also avoids shifting several times all the bits. Problem: "LSRing" won't set it to #$38 as bit 6 will be set, and bit 7 will be 0 or 1 according to C previously.

But great ideas, maybe we can change the test location to find a specific value that would give good results with LSR and BIT, haven't looked for it yet!

EDIT: testing F0 in $B908 (ROM 1.0 value) then exiting with a BNE should at least work so we can use LSR :wink: . I'm so unfamiliar with BIT that I have to think twice here!
Last edited by Symoon on Thu Sep 05, 2024 11:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LORES: different between ROM 1.0 and ROM1.1?

Post by Sodiumlightbaby »

What is the value of $B908 on Basic 1.0?
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Re: LORES: different between ROM 1.0 and ROM1.1?

Post by Symoon »

Sodiumlightbaby wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 11:33 am What is the value of $B908 on Basic 1.0?
Just editied my message while you were asking lol.
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Re: LORES: different between ROM 1.0 and ROM1.1?

Post by Sodiumlightbaby »

Great! Using BIT would be a simplified test just checking if bit 7 is '1' or not. One of the things BIT does is move bit7 to the N flag so we can use BMI or BPL to branch if bit7 is '1' or '0'. Should work but CMP with $F0 is perhaps more readable :wink:
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Re: LORES: different between ROM 1.0 and ROM1.1?

Post by Symoon »

Symoon wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 11:26 am "LSRing" won't set it to #$38 as bit 6 will be set, and bit 7 will be 0 or 1 according to C previously.
I was completely wrong with LSR and bit 7, as it shifts a zero in.

So I now have the new listing, thanks to all your remarks and a bit of thinking here, we are now at 16 bytes ;)

Code: Select all

  AE 18 B9   LDX $B918      Test if we have a ROM 1.0: value FF in $B918 (3F on ROM 1.1, 7F once shifted on ROM 1.0)
  E8         INX            increment by 1 to get 00 if we had FF, thus get ready to change a whole page
  D0 09      BNE exit       if result was different from 00, it's not a ROM 1.0 or it was already fixed, so exit!

  5E 00 B9   LSR $B900,X    shift bytes from page $B9
  5E 00 BA   LSR $BA00,X    shift bytes from page $BA
  CA         DEX            Next byte
  D0 F7      BNE loop       As long as X is not zeroed again, loop

  60         RTS
The thing now is that, it seems to make strange things with BASIC. I first though it was because I ran the code from page 1, but I relocated it from BFE0 to BFFF, and there are still problems:
- run the code on Oric-1
- try to enter a basic line like: 50 JIJ
- you should get an ?OUT OF MEMORY ERROR

Strange things already happened with the previous versions. Are we messing up something in the Oric-1 system by changing values between B900 and BAFF?
EDIT: tried to save/restore X, etc. before/after, but no change.
EDIT 2: actually, it's the loading routines in ROM 1.0 that mess with the "end of basic" pointer, even when loading a memory block :roll: 9C-9D in zero page have a wrong value after the loading.
Seems also the $100 address is not a good idea when playing with Basic or the interpreter afterwards.
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